Sonntag, 17. August 2008

Day 9 - Port-aux-Basques - New Glasgow (Nova Scotia)

260 km + ferry

Today's blog entry is very short as there is not much exciting to report. Most of the day we spent on the ferry "Leif Ericsson" from Port-aux-Basque (New Foundland) to North Sydney (Novia Scotia). As there was again free WIFI the time passed very quickly and I could make most of the arrangements for my next journey :-).

I also found time to finish reading the book "Lure of the Labrador Wild" by Dillon Wallace which is said to be sold in every gift store in Labrador and also seems to be in almost every household. The book is about an expedition which started in 1903 to explore central Labrador. Inexperience and a mapping error led Leonidas Hubbard, Dillon Wallace, and George Elson take the wrong river resulting in a much longer and more strenous journey than intended. Due to the approaching winter and inadequate food supplies they had to give up and turn around, but too late as Leonidas Hubbard died on the way back from starvation.

At 17:30 we arrived in North Sydney and had to drive for two and a half hours to reach New Glasgow.

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