Again we started our day quite early as we expected a long drive to Goose Bay. The road conditions on the first half of the distance to Churchill Falls were very bad as there was some construction work going on. This part of our journey was even more remote than the drive from Baie Comeau to Labrador City yesterday. After about three hours driving we arrived in Churchill Falls. There has been an entire village built around a hydro electrical powerplant. We made a short fuel stop and already expected a very, very long day as the road from Churchill Falls to Goose Bay was supposed to be worse than the first part. We were then pleasently surprised in what a good shape the gravel road was (almost like a highway ;-)). Along the road we did several photo stops in an attempt to capture the wonderful landscape, which due to the missing sun only partially worked out.

About 40 km before Happy Valley Goose Bay we came to a place called Muskrat Falls. After a short hike we reached the Churchill river and got a good view on the waterfall and the rapids.

On this last part of our drive we were amazed to see sand dunes in a northern province like Labrador. Probably these sand dunes are the result of the Churchill river washing out the entire valley. When we stopped to talk pictures of the sand dunes we found moose footprints in the sand :-), however we could not spot the moose.

After > 800 km gravel road ;-).

Occassional traffic on the Trans Labrador Highway.

At around 6 pm we arrived in Happy Valley Goose Bay where we had dinner at a good restaurant called Maxwells.

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