Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010

Rosskogel and Weißstein

After severe storms yesterday afternoon the weather cooled down significantly - great conditions for a mountain hike after the heat wave.

We started at 8 in the morning with our bikes from home and rode them to Krimpenbachalm (1922 m). We left our bikes there and I exchanged my biking boots with my hiking boots. From Krimpenbachalm we started the ascent to Rosskogel (2646 m) via Windegg. After a very short break at Rosskogel we moved on to climb Weißstein (2640 m), an easy climb (I-II). On the way back we picked up out bikes at Krimpenbachalm and enjoyed the ride back home (saving us around 1100 m descent by foot :-)).

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