Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010

Rosskogel and Weißstein

After severe storms yesterday afternoon the weather cooled down significantly - great conditions for a mountain hike after the heat wave.

We started at 8 in the morning with our bikes from home and rode them to Krimpenbachalm (1922 m). We left our bikes there and I exchanged my biking boots with my hiking boots. From Krimpenbachalm we started the ascent to Rosskogel (2646 m) via Windegg. After a very short break at Rosskogel we moved on to climb Weißstein (2640 m), an easy climb (I-II). On the way back we picked up out bikes at Krimpenbachalm and enjoyed the ride back home (saving us around 1100 m descent by foot :-)).

Samstag, 17. Juli 2010


Starting from home I rode the bike to Stiglreith (1363) where I met with Werner and Claudia. Although I started quite early I was covered in sweat when I arrived there, since it was again a very hot day. Together we then hiked to Krimpenbachalm (1922). Werner took a lot of pictures on our hike of the wonderful alpine meadows which where just in full, beautiful blossom.

Sonntag, 11. Juli 2010


We started very early in the morning shortly after 5:00 am since the weather was forcasted to be very hot. We drove to Hochzirl by car and from there we rode our mountain bikes towards Solsteinhaus. We left our bikes at the end of the forest road and hiked the last 1 1/2 hours to Solsteinhaus. At Solsteinhaus we had a short break, filled up our water bottles before continuing the hike to Eppziler Scharte where the Via Ferrata to Erlspitze starts. The Via Ferrata was very easy (mostly A and B), except for one short passage with difficulty C. At 9:45 we arrived the summit of Erlspitz where we enjoyed the beautiful scenary. We took the same way down to our bikes and were very happy that we did not have to d0 the long walk down to the car.

Today's route

From Solsteinhaus to Eppzirler Scharte

View from Eppzirler Scharte to Eppzirler Alm (Karwendel)

Pictures taken from the Via Ferrata

At the summit

On the way down